TEAM 2023-2024

Team AHAR 2023 - 24
Front Row L-R Sunil Patil (VPZ-6), Rajan Shetty (Jt. Secretary), Sudhakar T Shetty (Hon. Gen. Secrteary), Sukesh Shetty (Hon. President), Amar Shetty (Hon. Treasurer), Dr. Satish Shetty (VPZ-10), Jaideep Devadiga (VPZ-9), Santosh G Shetty (VPZ-7)
Last Row L-R Mahendra Karkera (VPZ-1), Shashidhar Shetty (VPZ-4), Jayanand Nayak (VPZ-3), Sunil Shetty (Jt. Treasurer), Nitin Shetty (VPZ-2), Prakash Shetty (VPZ-8), Suresh V Shetty (VPZ-5)
Team AHAR 2022 - 23

Front Row L-R Dr. Santosh Rai, Ñìtíñ R Shetty, Sunil Patil, Sudhakar Shetty, Sukesh Shetty, Amar Shetty, Dr. Satish Shetty, Jaideep Devadiga
Back Row L-R Shashidhar Shetty, Suresh Shetty, Pramod Kamat, Sankarshan Nayak, Prakash Shetty, Anoop Shetty, Jayanand Nayak
TEAM 2021-2022

Team AHAR 2021 - 22
TEAM 2015-16

TEAM 2014-15

Standing Left to Right:- Shri Suresh G Shetty, VP-Zone III, Shri J.D. Shetty VP-Zone I, Shri Jagdish Shetty, VP-Zone VIII, Shri Rajan Shetty VP-Zone VII, Shri Ravindra Nere, VP-Zone V, Shri Anil Salian, VP-Zone X, Shri Sunil Shetty, VP-Zone IV
Sitting from Left to Right:- Shri Krishna V Shetty, VP-Zone II, Shri Vishwapal Shetty, Jt. Secretary, Shri Sudakar T Shetty, VP-Zone IX, Shri Sukesh Shetty, Hon. Gen. Secretary, Shri Adarsh B Shetty, President, Shri Shashidhar G. Shetty, Hon. Treasurer, Shri Sunil Patil, VP-Zone VI, Shri Mahendra Karkera, Hon. Jt. Treasurer.
TEAM 2013-14

Standing Left to Right :- Shri Ravindranath L Nire, VP-Zone V, Shri Gangadhar N Shetty, VP-Zone II, Shri Anil K Salian, VP-Zone X, Shri Suresh G Shetty, VP-Zone III, Shri Prithviraj S Shetty, VP-Zone IV, Shri Shailendra Shetty, VP-Zone I, Shri Sudhakar T Shetty, VP-Zone IX, Shri Sunil R Patil, VP-Zone VI, Shri Vilas Jhaveri, VP-Zone VII, Shri Shivaji H Shetty, VP-Zone VII
Sitting from Left to Right :- Shri Satish R Shetty, Hon. Jt. Secretary, Shri Sukesh Shetty, Hon. Gen. Secretary, Shri Arvind Shetty, President, Shri Nitin R Shetty, Hon. Treasurer, Shri Shashidar G Shetty, Hon. Jt. Treasurer
TEAM 2012-13

Standing Left to Right :- Shri Nitin R. Shetty, Hon.Treasurer, Shri Sunil Patil, VP – Zone-VI, Shri Satish R. Shetty, Hon. Jt. Secretary,Shri Prithviraj S. Shetty, VP – Zone-IV, Shri Anil Salian, VP – Zone-X, Shri Shailendra Shetty, VP – Zone-I, Shri Suresh Shetty,VP– Zone – III, Shri Prasad Shetty,Hon. Jt.Treasurer
Sitting from Left to Right :- Shri Shashikant K. Shetty, Hon. Gen. Secretary, Shri Sudhakar T. Shetty, VP – Zone-IX, Shri Shivaji Shetty, VP – Zone-VIII, Shri Arvind Shetty, President, Shri Gangadhar Shetty, VP – Zone-II, Shri Vijay Kumar Shetty,VP– Zone-V, Shri Vilas Jhaveri, VP– Zone-VII