Achievements of AHAR

About us

Achievements of AHAR

Largest Association of Hotel & Restaurant owners in India with affiliations through out Maharashtra and having a membership of 8000 Hotel & Restaurant owners.

Always In the forefront protecting the interest of the Hoteliers from Grade III to 3 star categories.

Thorough follow up, persuasion and efforts reduced the Permit Room license (FL III) fees by Rs.66,000/- per annum by Government of Maharashtra in the year 2008. Also reduced the Trade Refusal Charges which was 9 times of the health license to the hoteliers to 2 times benefiting thousands of Hoteliers since 1.1.2008.

Through various Sub-committees with Experienced Hoteliers, Consultants and Experts able to attend the grievances of Hoteliers in MCGM, Police, Excise and solving their grievances.

Professional Consultants appointed by AHAR for VAT, Labour, Excise , Police matters to address ,guide and solve various problems faced by the hotelier members.

Through the efforts of AHAR Business promotion committee able to get the same trade discount offered to the whole seller to the members of AHAR through various tie ups.

Supporting NGO like City Space for fighting against unhygienic road side cooking, Prabhodhini Nagarik Seva for awareness of AIDS, National Association of Blind for helping the blind & eye care, Karnataka Sports Club for different sports event for the benefit of hotel employees.

Tie up with various agencies/vendors like mobile service providers, computers, insurance and financial products, kitchen equipment's etc at a heavy discounted rate for the members of AHAR.

Representations made to various Govt. agencies against policies and harassment by their Officials. Also submitting the suggestions in modifications of rules at the interest of the hotel industry and the government in various modifications of the policies.

Due to the representation, presentation and efforts Reduced the age limit for employees in Hotel Restaurant from 18 years to above 14 years. Thus providing relief to thousands of hoteliers who were harassed by the NGO’s and also providing employment to lakhs of poor and needy persons to earn their livelihood..

The constant representation and follow up with various Ministries since last 3 years has resulted in VAT on Food items being reduced to 5% from 8% on food items by Government of Maharashtra in its budget of 2009.

Filed many Cases in High Court and Supreme Court in various matters affecting the interest of the hotel industry. Many cases have the positive verdict.

Supported City Space in their fight against the road side cooking and hawking and got the landmark judgment of no cooking on road side from the Honourable Supreme Court.

Special workshops cum training in food handling, hygiene and nutrition for the benefit of Hoteliers and their employees with tie-ups with educational institutions.

Distributing more than Rs. 20 crores worth of coins every year from RBI through Private and Public sector banks to the hoteliers through out the city and had resulted in solving the coin shortage problem. The distribution of coins is still continuing.

Having coordination with all the statutory authorities like MCGM, Police, Excise etc. for smooth functioning.

Arranging various Knowledge gaining Workshop/Seminars etc. for the benefit of the Hoteliers and their employees in various aspects pertaining to the hospitality industry.

Through efforts of AHAR many Hotels closed due to the rigid and wrong application of law provisions were challenged and the hotels were reopened enabling the hotelier to earn his livelihood.

Contributing its mite to all the natural disasters like cyclone, flood, earth quake etc. Whenever disaster like Rain, terrorist attack, natural calamities provides the food packets for the needy people stranded.

Creating awareness among members through various articles in the in-house bulletin ‘Restaurant Business’ and to guide the members to be on the right side of the law. This bulletin is distributed to all the members free of cost. The bulletin contains the latest news, change in law, rules, New GR ,New Notification from various departments to the knowledge of the members.

Challenged the wrong implementation of the Trade Refusal Charges on Madira licence by MCGM and got it waived.

Challenged charging of TRC in the Bombay Port trust area, where the trade refusals were not collected by MCGM and got the same waived.

Fought against the high handedness of M/s Novex Comunications [P] Limited against charging exorbitant fees for showing the sports events in the TV to the patrons. Through RTI query confirmed that no right is given to any authority to collect the fees pr license fees for telecasting the cricket matches. Thus saved crores of rupees of the hoteliers showing the matches, as no license or fees to be paid for the same.

Solved a number of grievances of hoteliers in Excise, Police,MCGM matters through the expertise sub committees and also through the experts enrolled in various panels.